Disability Justice Fund: BSL Resource Project

Reasonable Access is delighted to be awarded a a grant by Trust for London to work with a range of diverse Deaf people in 2023 to identify ways Deaf BSL signers can challenge audist discrimination and assert their rights (we are slide 15 on the webpage).

Black circle with a white river Thames esque squiggle and wording Funded by Trust for London

How the BSL Resource Project will work

Most of Reasonable Access’s information is in written English which is not fully accessible to many Deaf BSL signers.

Over 2023 we hope to engage with a diverse range of Deaf BSL signers to research common discrimination that Deaf signers experience, how they challenge or deal with them. We will look at existing BSL information related to access (see below) and what information BSL signers think would be most useful to help them challenge discrimination and access barriers.

We will set up a small steering group of Deaf BSL signers to help guide us in making the main decisions throughout this project.

When we have finished the interviews, we will create short test videos of between 3 and 5 of the issues. The videos will be in BSL and aim to be linguistically and culturally clear to a wide range of BSL signers. We will also ensure there are accurate closed captions, voice over and an English transcript to make them as accessible as possible.

We will produce a short report in English and BSL with our key findings and areas to focus on in future which may help us or other organisations seek future funding.

Existing BSL Resources related to discrimination and access

Information in BSL related to access rights is scattered and often hard to find. Below are all the relevant BSL resources we have found in one place.

If you know of information we should add, please do contact us with the links.

Disability Justice Project

The Disability Justice Project helps people use the law to fight for their rights by providing information, guidance and template letters to help people challenge discrimination.

Some of the Disability Justice material has BSL videos including:

Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)

The EHRC are an important Human Rights and Equalities organisation for England, Scotland and Wales.

The EHRC have a BSL playlist on the EHRC YouTube channel of ~20 videos covering:

  • Transport discrimination.
  • Workplace adjustments.
  • Premier League (football) accessibility.
  • Housing.
  • Adult Social Care.
  • Access to justice (the courts, police and legal system) for disabled people (including BSL signers).
  • Equality Act for political parties.
  • EHRC strategies, policies, inquiries and reports.

NHS Accessible Information Standard (AIS) – healthcare in England

  • SignHealth information in English with 3 minute BSL video with open captions.
  • NHS England overview video about the Accessible Information Standard 5 minute video in BSL with open captions.
  • NHS England full Accessible Information Standard video in BSL with open captions.
  • 2022 review of the Accessible Information Standard includes BSL case studies, BSL videos of the full and summary reports with open captions, hosted by SignHealth.
  • Sick of It report – some videos in BSL + guidance for healthcare providers in English.

    Hearing Dogs

  • Video about access rights of Hearing Dogs for deaf people with invision BSL translation and open captions
  • Contact Hearing Dogs via InterpretersLive Video Relay Service for advice about access barriers with a Hearing Dog.

    Scotland specific resources

  • Your child’s education rights by the Scottish Government Education department BSL videos with open captions.
  • Accessing Politics BSL videos with open captions.
  • Freedom of Information and Environmental Information rights in Scotland by the Scottish Information Commissioner – BSL videos with voice over but no captions at the bottom of each page.


  • Data Protection: GDPR – what is it? BSL video with closed captions by the British Deaf Association.
  • The 2022 Trades Union Council (TUC) BSL interpreted webinar about disability discrimination and reasonable adjustments in the workplace

    BSL Advocacy support

    Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD)

    Royal Association for Deaf People (RAD) have a BSL advocacy service for British Sign Language users which includes healthcare complaints and may be able to assist with other access complaints.